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Create Content Provenance

Empowering anyone to create on-chain provenance of digital media files. Numbers Blockchain is a digital media library and indexing system that aims to provide the media consumer the full picture.
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One ID to access physical storage as well as the full history of the digital content

Creator Economy

Despite its limitations, NFT ownership has its utility. However, more must be done to leverage the full potential of blockchain technology and Web3.0 approaches. Numbers Blockchain paves the way for a healthier and more robust Web 3.0 creator economy and deliver on the promises that the digital media renaissance that early 2021 NFTs promised.

Capture App

The world's first decentralized web3 camera. Making NFTs a matter of point, capture, sell.



The CreatorDAO gathers members from cultural backgrounds in curatorial, the arts and international media.

News Media &
Evidence Preservation

Trust in digital media is at an all-time low. Numbers Blockchain aims to bring integrity and authenticity to the digital content space. Content files registered on Numbers Blockchain are traceable, verifiable and indexed by its Numbers ID.

Starling Ukraine use case

Preserving evidence of war crimes in the Ukraine through NFTs.

Nit open-source tool

Nit is git for web3 digital asset and helps user to commit an asset's activities (chronicle) to blockchain.

More Ecosystem Applications Launching Soon...


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